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Clients can receive professional therapy with holistic and integrative care that insurance won't cover;
Therapists receive 100% of what they earn
Due to financial and/or insurance limitations, clients have limited choices when they require a therapist or other members of their health care team. Heart to Art's mission is to allow clients to choose an integrative and holistic team of professional providers to promote their optimal mental health and healing. Clients will be able to choose a therapist that they truly connect with. Next, the client and therapist collaboratively decide on a holistic approach that may include Acupuncture; Energy healing; EMDR; Wilderness therapy, etc. to support their health and healing process. If the client will be best served by face-to-face setting for therapy, we assist the client in finding a local provider that they agree is the best fit for them. 
Most associate level therapists struggle financially while working to achieve the rigorous demands of their state board for licensure. Oftentimes therapists leave graduate school with significant student loan debt, only to work for a non-living wage. Additionally, therapists are expected to maintain continuing education requirements (at their own cost); keep up with state laws and regulations; maintain paperwork; attend weekly meetings and supervision; and collaborate with other health care providers on the client's care team. If you are an intern or therapist working in a private practice an average of 50%+ of the session fee is taken for administration costs and client referrals. As a therapist 16-20 clients per week is considered full time due to the demands and nature of the job. Therapists need time to practice self-care in order to be the best version of themselves for clients. As a nonprofit, Heart to Art's mission is to pay associate level therapists and licensed therapists 100% of the session fee. 



Serving Individuals who qualify for free health insurance

via ZOOM meetings & phone


YES! Expressive Arts is successful via ZOOM 

Lindsay Tassé, LMFT

License #132441


(424) 944-3004



© 2022 by Lindsay Tassé, LMFT. Proudly created with

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